Evaluation of Tuberculosis program implementation in Primary Health Care, Semarang, Indonesia
National TB system, Tuberculosis, TB management and controlAbstract
Background: Tuberculosis (TB) remains a significant global health concern, with approximately 10 million new cases reported annually and 1.5 million deaths each year.
Objectives: To accelerate Semarang's TB-free by 2028, this study aimed to evaluate the implementation of TB program in the primary healthcare centers (PHCs) of Semarang City.
Methods: The current study utilized a qualitative methodological approach and managed to gather and analyze data from staff who are in charge of the TB program. The findings indicated that the National TB System (SITB) and the Semar Betul system played crucial roles in the management and control of TB cases in Semarang City, each serving specific functions in recording and reporting TB data at the national and local levels.
Results: The study identified four emerging theme challenges faced by PHC staff as follows: (1) lack of national TB system, (2) unaffordable TB diagnostic tools, (3) need to address community-based beliefs and attitudes towards TB treatment and (4) treatment seeking behavior as part of comprehensive TB care strategies to improve treatment outcomes and prevent treatment defaulting among patients in community settings where illness perception may differ from that of healthcare providers.
Conclusion: These challenges will require a multifaceted approach, including strengthening the supply chain for TB diagnosis tools, increasing the availability of X-ray equipment, and providing continuous training for healthcare staff on TB screening and diagnosis.
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