Factors Effecting to Caregiver’s Performance of Rehabilitation Care for Elderly Dependents at Mae Sot District, Tak Province.


  • Amornsak Poum Faculty of Public Health, Naresuan University




Caregiver, Elderly dependents


Background: Care giver is very important person who was take care elderly group for health rehabilitation and wellbeing with quality of life.

Objectives: This descriptive research study aimed to study either selected factors association or jointly predicting factor effected to caregiver’s performance of rehabilitation care for elderly dependents at Mae Sot district, Tak Province.

Method: Population consisted of 150 caregivers who have been completed training elderly care program within 70 hours which be registered in Mae Sot district, Tak Province, in fiscal year 2020, and the sample size calculating used Daniel formula for 107 cases, and systematic random sampling was determined for collecting data. Data collected by questionnaires composed of 7 parts including, characteristics, predisposing factors (knowledge, attitude, health perception), enabling factors, reinforcing factors, and performance of elderly care dependents. In addition to check questionnaire standardization, validity was checked by 3 experts and try out testing reliability by Cronbach’s coefficient alpha about 0.86. Data analyzed using statistical as Pearson product moment correlation coefficient and Stepwise multiple regression analysis.

Results: An association analyzed found that, knowledge of elderly’ health problem was associated with caregiver’s performance of rehabilitation care for elderly dependents at Mae Sot district, Tak Province with statistic significant (r=0.291, P-value =0.002). Prediction model analyzed reported that knowledge of elderly’ health problem and caregiver education selected factors accounted for 15.1%.

Conclusion: Thus, improving knowledge for caregiver is very necessary which effect to attitude and skill of rehabilitation care for elderly group, to support training process and practicing.     


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How to Cite

Factors Effecting to Caregiver’s Performance of Rehabilitation Care for Elderly Dependents at Mae Sot District, Tak Province. IJPHAP [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 18];1(1). Available from: https://ijphap.com/index.php/home/article/view/9